October News

In October, our Junior and Senior Infant classes explored the theme of Local Community Helpers who work to keep us safe. We focused on learning about the roles of firefighters and GardaĆ­ in our community, discovering how they help protect and serve us every day.

We were thrilled to welcome both a Garda and a firefighter to our school, giving the children a wonderful opportunity to meet these real-life heroes. During their visit, the children asked thoughtful questions, learning first hand about fire safety, emergency response, and the daily responsibilities of these vital roles. This hands on experience brought the lessons to life.

In addition to our theme on Community Helpers, we held a special “Fire Safety Week” where children across all classes learned essential fire safety tips for the home and Halloween. A visiting firefighter emphasized these important lessons, discussing safety practices and answering questions. To reinforce their learning, each class participated in a “Fire Safety” poster competition. Tiernan McKeogh and Cathal Ryan were the winners from Junior and Senior Infants:

A fun first few days in Junior and Senior Infants!